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Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Children (DBT-C) is an intensive evidence-based treatment used to help children and preadolescents who struggle with strong feelings and behavioral difficulties. This treatment is for the whole family, not just for the child. Dr. Rankin has level 4 intensive training in DBT-C with Behavioral Tech.
Comprehensive DBT-C includes:
-Parent Training to create a "child-ready environment." Treatment starts with parent training before the child enters therapy. Parenting training is delivered in an 8 week DBT parenting class and additional individual parenting sessions.
-DBT Individual Therapy with the child (30 minutes)
-DBT Skills Training with the parent and child (30 minutes)
-Continued Parent Coaching in session after initial Parent Training (30 minutes)
-Phone Coaching between sessions with the parent to help implement parenting techniques and skills.
What is the time commitment?
-The treatment is 90 minutes per week in two sessions.
-Completion of homework, tracking of behavior and skills, and implementation of a behavior system at home between
-The treatment is about 32 weeks.
Who is DBT-C designed for?
-Children ages 6-12 and their families.
Children appropriate for DBT-C who may have some of the following symptoms:
-emotionally reactive and sensitive
-dislike change
-easily bored
-low frustration tolerance
-impulsive behaviors
-sensory sensitivities
-trouble with personal hygiene
-tend to have extreme and rigid thinking
-temper outbursts
-avoidant behavior
-relationship problems with parents, teachers, peers, and siblings
with verbal aggression or trouble following directions
-unsafe behaviors such as aggression, self-harm or suicidality
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