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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)

Dr. Rankin in the director of our CBT for Insomnia treatment.  She has advanced training in CBT-I through the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and receives ongoing guidance with their consultants.


You are not alone...
More than one in four people experience insomnia from time to time and more than 1 in 10 will suffer from a chronic form of the disorder.  Despite the prevalent belief that insomnia is not a serious problem, there is substantial evidence which shows that untreated and persistent insomnia is associate with:

  • Reduced quality of life

  • ​Poor work performance

  • Increased occurrence of accidents

  • risk for medical illness

  • risk for psychiatric illness

Fortunately for the 10-20% of Americans who suffer from Insomnia, there is help.  Recent advances in Sleep Medicine enable sleep experts to help the majority of troubled sleepers, often without medication.

What type of sleep problems are treated?

We evaluate and treat clients who have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or difficulty sleeping on a schedule that allows to them to function at their best.  

We can help with the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disturbance associated with chronic pain, cancer, depression, menopause, anxiety, nightmares and night terrors, and jet lag.  We can also work on alternative treatments for clients who have difficulty tolerating CPAP treatments for obstructive sleep apnea.

What happens in CBT-I treatment?

Your sleep evaluation will include a series of steps.  It begins with initial evalulation during which you will be asked to complete a series of questionnaires and to undergo a clinical interview.  This information will help us evaluate the factors that affect your sleep and daytime functioning.

Following these assessments, we will review our recommendations with you and your primary care physician or health care provider.  Follow up treatment may be conducted at our practice, depending on the nature of the intervention.

What kind of treatment can I expect?

For clients with insomnia, the first line of intervention is usually behavioral. Behavioral treatment is based upon the concept that chronic insomnia (greater than two months) is maintained by a variety fo physical and behavioral factors that have little or nothing to do with short term sleep disturbance.  The factors that maintain chronic insomnia are the ones targetted for treatment. 

Clinical studies have shows that behavioral treatment for insomnia is effective, producing long lasting results that are comparable to or extend those of sleeping pills.

Eight weekly sessions are usually required to get people good sleep and to help them continue sleeping well.  Follow up recommendations are made to ensure that the results are maintained.

In some cases, a laboratory sleep study may be arranged and/or medications may be recommended.  In all cases, we will work closely with your healthcare provider to ensure that our care is coordinated.

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